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Last updated
Online Store Site: [Coming Soon] In our store you can find a variety of items from Yuugen brand. These will be high quality items produced by an ethical company, providing a suitable working environment for its employees. All of our items will be created in partnership with a manufacturing company that is responsible for the quality and attention to its fabrics. This is a lengthy process that requires a lot of effort, so we can't give exact release dates right now. More information will come as the project develops. Production will be carried out in Poland, Warsaw. Manufacturing Company: Pracownia Krawiecka Danuta NiedΕΊwiecka
Various accessories and attributes
These will include a combination of artwork and minimalism.
Price in $YGN per t-shirt 2000.
In the future, we will build bridges to collaborate together in the NFT space. Collaborating will be a fundamental key to expanding our reach and create things we couldn't have done alone.
Use $YGN to buy various items and accessories in our Online Store.
The $YGN used in the Online Shop will be allocated as follows:
Staking Pool
For items available in $SOL, the $SOL profit (after expenses) used in the Online Shop will be allocated as follows:
DAO Treasury